Bases: penelopetools.api.input.penepma.options.Options
Creates a new Options instance and initialises the options of a PENEPMA2010 simulation.
PENELOPE options
- description (Description):
Description of the simulation
- materials (Materials):
Defined materials
- energy_distribution (Energy <penelopetools.input.penelope.distribution.Energy):
Energy distribution
- polarangle_distribution (PolarAngular):
Polar angular distribution
- dump (Dump):
Dump options
PENEPMA options
- maximumsteplengths (MaximumStepLengths):
Maximum step lengths
- interactionforcings (InteractionForcings):
Interaction forcings
- azimuthalangle_distribution (AzimuthalAngular):
Azimuthal angular distribution
- spatial_distribution (Spatial):
Spatial distribution
PENEPMA2010 options
- source (Source):
Options for the incident particle source (with a beam diameter)
- simulation (Simulation):
Simulation parameters with the error limit stopping mechanism